Happen to have a 2009-2011 -ish MacBook Pro? You know, the one with Core2Duo CPU, 13″ screen, DDR3 memory?
If it suddenly stops booting to the OS X and starts showing you the folder icon you might be suffering from a typical problem that plagues nearly all of them at some point – the SATA cable.
The cable can exhibit two kinds of problems;
- the connector at the hard drive end might have bad connection; you can use tape or something to make it tighter, but this isn’t usually a long-term solution
- the whole cable might be bad; for some reason, probably due to heat and movement induced stress, the whole cable will fail.
Solution? Open up the “unibody” and swap in a new one. If you live in Europe, you can get a new one from eBay at around 30 eur. In the US even cheaper. Just remember to get the correct cable ( 821-0814-A ), the 15″ versions of the MacBook has a different, larger cable.
Or you could take it to your local Mac shop and pay them anything between 80 to 150 eur, or as in this case – let them bill you for *nothing* and sell the user a new 2000 eur MacBook Pro. (Latter happened to the previous owner of this particular MacBook Pro…)
And that folks, is the story of how I got my first working MacBook for around 30 euros… 😀